D.K. Garrison

D.K. Garrison


There were so many reasons for writing this book. Ultimately,I settled for “Your voice needed to be heard”. I began heeding my inner voiceand connecting with life. I saw life with my 3rd eye and it wasglorious. I had only to ask and create those thoughts into the most perfectword…”Action”. And so after witnessing life at a greater level ofunderstanding, I was called to share this clarity with all who would hear itsbeautiful voice.

 I was born in Los Angeles, CAand raised by a single mom with little to no education. However, what shelacked in education she made up in unconditional love. I came to writing muchlike most authors, it chose me! Writing became a tangible voice that could beheard and always spoke true. This book “How to survive the next 365” takes thereader on a journey of understanding that you truly hold the answers for abetter life. My life has thus far been a true testimony of this revelation.I’ve owned and operated, even partnered several very successful businesses. 13years of experience in real estate investing and negotiating terms withhundreds of lenders around the country have compelled me to master “The Art ofbelieving in the power within me”. It is my hope that this book can do the samefor you! 

The Sons of Godwine: Part Two of The Last Great Saxon Earls

The Sons of Godwine: Part Two of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p>Emerging from the long shadow cast by his formidable father, Harold Godwineson showed himself to be a worthy successor to the Earldom of Wessex. In the following twelve years, he became the King's most trusted advisor, practically taking the reins of government into his own hands. And on Edward the Confessor's death, Harold Godwineson mounted the throne—the first king of England not of royal blood. Yet Harold was only a man, and his rise in fortune was not blameless. Like any person aspiring to power, he made choices he wasn't particularly proud of. Unfortunately, those closest to him sometimes paid the price of his fame.<br /><br />This is a story of Godwine's family as told from the viewpoint of Harold and his younger brothers. Queen Editha, known for her Vita Ædwardi Regis, originally commissioned a work to memorialize the deeds of her family, but after the Conquest historians tell us she abandoned this project and concentrated on her husband, the less dangerous subject. In THE SONS OF GODWINE and FATAL RIVALRY, I am telling the story as it might have survived had she collected and passed on the memoirs of her tragic brothers.<br /><br />This book is part two of The Last Great Saxon Earls series. Book one, GODWINE KINGMAKER, depicted the rise and fall of the first Earl of Wessex who came to power under Canute and rose to preeminence at the beginning of Edward the Confessor's reign. Unfortunately, Godwine's misguided efforts to champion his eldest son Swegn recoiled on the whole family, contributing to their outlawry and Queen Editha's disgrace. Their exile only lasted one year and they returned victorious to London, though it was obvious that Harold's career was just beginning as his father's journey was coming to an end.<br /><br />Harold's siblings were all overshadowed by their famous brother; in their memoirs we see remarks tinged sometimes with admiration, sometimes with skepticism, and in Tostig's case, with jealousy. We see a Harold who is ambitious, self-assured, sometimes egocentric, imperfect, yet heroic. His own story is all about Harold, but his brothers see things a little differently. Throughout, their observations are purely subjective, and witnessing events through their eyes gives us an insider’s perspective.<br /><br />Harold was his mother's favorite, confident enough to rise above petty sibling rivalry but Tostig, next in line, was not so lucky. Harold would have been surprised by Tostig's vindictiveness, if he had ever given his brother a second thought. And that was the problem. Tostig's love/hate relationship with Harold would eventually destroy everything they worked for, leaving the country open to foreign conquest. This subplot comes to a crisis in book three of the series, FATAL RIVALRY.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Once in awhile a book is written with complete honesty that moves the reader to believe in the unbelievable. A writer’s true gift to the world is the ability to bring readers together through time and space on ONE common thread. Come join the journey with millions of 365ers who are looking to create greatness within. A 365er is anyone who wants to make a difference in their life TODAY! You start the journey by giving yourself permission to believe in you. Much more than just a self-help book, How to Survive the Next 365 will strip away all false pretenses you have created and allow you to be true to who you really are. By reading this book you will discover that there is no one way to reach greatness. We all have our paths and must find that path alone. I profess to know nothing more than you already know within. What I will be able to do is help you ask the right questions in order to find the one true answer! What will you do with your next 365 days? How much longer will you wait to get started? Why are you comfortable being average? How do you design a blue print for success that has only your name on it? Can you be laser focused if your life really does depend on it? Do you really have that much time left on Earth to procrastinate? Your journey for your “Next 365” days does not start with the purchase of this book. Nor does it begin once you have read this book. You will discover your journey only begins once you decide your self worth is directly linked with “The Creator” and that makes you God-like. Everyone has greatness to share with the world. I hope you can see what I already see in you…
