Lesley Galston

Lesley Galston


New to world of ebooks but on a huge upward learning curve. My experience is in health matters, including mangement of pain, cholestrol, diabetes and heart disease. Hence my 1st ebook is about the management of pain. Take Control of your pain

A Dime Is a Sign: Poems of Love and Loss (Feelings Into Words)

A Dime Is a Sign: Poems of Love and Loss (Feelings Into Words)

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<p>A psychic medium once said that if you find a random dime, it is a sign that someone that you have loved and lost is thinking of you.</p><p><strong>A Dime is a Sign Through Time</strong></p><p><em>If you find a dime, </em></p><p><em>You will know that I'm</em></p><p><em>Sending thoughts of love</em></p><p><em>Through the veil of time.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Ten cents with a silver shine, </em></p><p><em>A sense sent you to help remind</em></p><p><em>That someone who left you behind</em></p><p><em>Is always living in your mind.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Sending love and vibes, </em></p><p><em>Felt as psychic sighs ...</em></p><p><em>The ones that you miss, </em></p><p><em>Send you a kiss ...</em></p><p> </p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon's second book of poetry contains messages written through the years in poetic form that put feelings into words. As a teacher, many of her poems helped counsel troubled teens and friends.</p><p>There are three sections in the book: Heads, Spinning, and Tails ... (Love &amp; Loss: Coin Toss?). The variety of lyrical poetry forms include free verse, blank verse, haiku, and sonnets, while some are just playing with words!</p><p>Hopefully, this is also a book of healing.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon, a former teacher and grandmother of ten, is the author of nine acclaimed rhymed children's books, plus a recent award-winning book of poetry <em>(A Penny for Your Thoughts), </em>which together have received 63 national and international book awards since 2011. She also wrote seven published plays for elementary school children that have been performed in over 25 countries. Most of her children's books emphasize consideration for others. Married for 58 years, she and her spouse are now retired, live in Pennsylvania, and travel in their RV from coast to coast, spending time with their children and grandchildren, and sharing her books along the way!</p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book

When I first choose to specialise in the study of pain as part of my degree in Nursing, my daughter sports teacher on hearing what I was studing, said " Pain ouch it hurts, thats all you need to now". although it provided a giggle for alot of people Pain is a miserable part of thier lives. They wake in the morning with it, if they are lucky gain some relief through movement and medication and generally go to bed in pain and uncomfortable. I know I have been there. As I explain in my book Pain is very individual, nobody has pain like you do even if they have a similar condition. The reson I wrote this book was to aid people in pain gain control, by having a handle on it, confidence grows and it can be a better brighter day.


Take Control of Your Pain is a guide for anyone suffering from pain, be it acute, chronic, post-operative, emotional, joint pain, or something else. <br /><br /> As the title suggests, the emphasis is very much on 'taking control' of your pain and working collaboratively with your medical practitioner to manage and relieve it.<br /><br /> The manual has a strongly practical approach, with checklists and exercises to set you thinking about the nature of your pain and how best to deal with it. But there is also plenty of advice on drugs, diet, lifestyle, and so on, all written in Lesley's chatty, friendly style.<br /><br /> If you suffer from any sort of pain, this manual - written by a nurse with over 25 years' experience - will help you understand and deal with it, and guide you towards a happier and hopefully pain-free life.<br />A Review by Nick Daws author of 10 day ebook.