Lionel Ross

Lionel Ross


Lionel Ross was born in 1935 and lives in Manchester, England with his wife Luise.  He has two sons and six grandchildren.

He spent most of his working life in the textile industry but is now a full-time author and publisher. His first novel ‘Fine Feathers,’was originally published by PublishAmerica in 2005 and received considerable critical acclaim. (Subsequently re-published in the UK by i2i Publishing) His second novel ‘Hidden Heritage’ (2006) launched him into the entirely new world of the Historical Saga. This was followed in 2007 by The Baghdad Declaration,’ a thriller with the backdrop of the Iraq War. His ‘best-selling’ Men of Conviction’ was published in July 2009 and is attracting an ever increasing readership.

His growing legion of followers will be delighted that, once again with The Dalethorpe Chronicles he has written a family saga, this time with the backdrop of 19th 20th and 21st century history.

He has been publishing books for other authors for some years under the i2i Publishing imprint.

The Magic Word

The Magic Word

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<p style="margin:0in 0in 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:12pt;">Elisabeth was rude and selfish and demanding, and therefore had very few friends.<span>  </span>When she sent out invitations to her birthday party, no one accepted.<span>  </span>Her mother warned her that she needed to improve her manners and to try to get along with people.<span>  </span>She told Elisabeth that she needed to use the magic word “Please”.<span>  </span>So when Elisabeth went to school the next day, she thought of her mother’s advice, “What is the magic word?” and she started saying “Please” and also “Thank You”.<span>  </span>She tried to become more thoughtful of others, and discovered that she was a much happier person.<span>  </span>Imagine her pleasure when she returned home to find out that her new friends were all coming to her birthday party!</span><span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';font-size:10pt;"></span></p><p></p>

Story Behind The Book

I wanted to write another thriller but this time with some strong socialogical ideas embedded. All three of my main characters are scarred by their upbringing in totally different but equally disastrous ways. As a result I have been interviewed on websites as far a way as Pakistan on the subjects of integrating into UK society and the dangerous radicalisation of Muslim youth.


<em><font face="Verdana"><font size="4">'This is not only a thrilling read but it cleverly and humorously  presents an informative and realistic picture of the dark side of our reality</font><font size="1">.' </font></font></em><font size="3"><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Verdana"><strong><font color="#ff3300">Frank Shapiro author of 'God's Elect.'<br /></font></strong> </font></font><div><font size="4" face="Arial"><em><br />Men of Conviction was really interesting and read like a spy thriller novel. On one level it is like sage advice to the young in a multicultural and multi-religious UK.I think every university-going Muslim teenager should have it as a recommended reading. </em></font><font color="#ff3300" size="2" face="Arial"><strong>Dil Nawaz-Pak Tea House</strong></font></div><br />