Robert Tobin

Robert Tobin


I'm a novelist, screenwriter, non-fiction book author, speaker, former motion picture development executive and book editor, I live in Huntington Beach, California, I have a $15 million feature film due for release in April 2011, a $40 million feature film in development with the director of "Die Hard" attached to direct, a novel, "God Wars: Living with Angels" due for publication on March 1st as an e-book.

The Golden Rule Coloring Book

The Golden Rule Coloring Book

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<p>What if you treated others the way you’d like to be treated? If everyone did that, what kind of world could there be? Please join the children’s quest to discover how to follow the Golden Rule and to share it with others. </p><p>This coloring book version of Sherrill S. Cannon’s best-selling children’s story, The Golden Rule, allows kids to enjoy reading in rhyme, as well as illustrating their own version of how children can help us be kind to each other.</p>

Story Behind The Book

It had been years since I'd written a novel, having been a screenwriter and non-fiction book author all that time, but one day I began writing a novel, "God Wars: Living with Angels," based on a wish fulfillment fantasy of mine, that being able to immediately visit justice upon the bad guys (and gals) of the world. So I created a character, a young woman, who gains magical powers and uses them to wreak havoc and justice of a sort on the bad people around her. But the screenplay wouldn't stop, it just kept getting longer and longer until finally it was nearly three times the length of a feature film screenplay and I realized I'd been bamboozled -- the story had forced me to write a novel against my will!!! So I gave in and converted it to novel format and thus was born "God Wars: Living with Angels."
