My author name is Eliza Earsman. I was born and raised in the southern uplands of Scotland in a decent working class family. I am a committed Christian, and enjoy family, variety, clean air and fresh people. The networking opportunities afforded by belonging to several international groups means I can ‘tune in’ and request prayer help, professional assistance and advice. My Holy Bible is open daily. Apart from that and keeping abreast of news headlines I don’t at the moment find time for reading. Police work and experience has brought me into close contact with most of those named in Days of Elijah (Revised): A True Story. See e.g. the bombing of Pan-Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in December 1988. I have as a result become an agent provocateur re: the British Mountbatten-Windsor royal family, their Scottish Ritual Freemasons inner circles/familiar spirits and their atrocities.My travels span such countries as the United States of America, Canada, Israel, Spain, Jordan, Portugal, Holland, Central and Eastern Europe, France, Australia, Britain, Ireland, Malaysia and Korea. My autobiographical works do not always follow conventional means, but the brutally honest depictions have done much to raise international awareness about Freemasonry. High-profile published works include: Days of Elijah (Revised): A True Story – 232 pages and the affiliated A Collection of Verse - nonfiction 108 pages. A third draft/edited film script (2 hours) is prepared. A further book is written but requires illustrations which will be professionally done when time allows. Material is available for more. It has been recommended that I enter my work for awards. Maybe later!

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