Terry Whalin
W.Terry Whalin understands both sides of the editorial desk--as an editor and awriter. He worked as a magazine editor and his magazine work has appeared inmore than 50 publications. A former book acquisitions editor for severalpublishers and a former literary agent, Terry is a Vice President and Publisherat Intermedia Publishing Group.Whether you have a book manuscript that needs to get published or a publishedbook that needs marketing, contactTerry and he can help you. He has written more than 60 books throughtraditional publishers in a wide range of topics from children’s books tobiographies to co-authored books. Several of Terry’s books have sold over100,000 copies. Whether you are unsurehow to start on the path to publication or want to take your publishing careerto the next level, Terry’s newest book, JUMPSTART YOUR PUBLISHING DREAMS,INSIDER SECRETS TO SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS is packed with insight.Terry is a popular speaker and teacher at numerous writers’ conferences and anactive member of the American Society of Journalists andAuthors.