Mary H Collins
Hi. I'm an author of comtemporary romance and have 7 novels published at this time. Living in 'the bible belt' and being a 'born again' christian, I have to keep my books clean (No explicit sexual scenes and very few curse words). LOL!
Born in Athens Tennessee, but spent a large part of my childhood in Detroit Michigan. At the age of 13, I returned to Tennessee and attended Etowah High School.
I graduated Godsey's Beauty College in 1981 and worked as a hairdresser for 12 years. In March 1993 I closed my beauty shop and started my career in Glamour photography. I loved the traveling, 30,000-40,000 miles a year. Some of my novels were inspired by the many interesting people I met and the places I went.
Published novels by this author:
My Sister's Keeper
best seller at www.solsticepublishing.com
Dreams Come True
Remember The Night
The Pier
Out of The Blue
Winter at Naples Island
find out more about me at www.maryco.webs.com
to buy my books go to www.solsticepublishing.com