Tracy Lewis, Ph.D.
I had the privilege of growing up in two very different worlds. I was born in a small town in West Virginia in the U.S. I was raised by my grandparents. When they died, I was sent to live with my cousins in South Los Angeles, CA, in the inner city. A year later, I was bused to the Valley to attend school. I met my best friend who was Jewish and her family became powerful role models in my life. Along with my cousins, they gave me a love and appreciation for education. In addition to being a published Author, I am a college Professor and a Social Worker. My Doctorate is in Adult Education. I enjoy teaching English and Writing, but my first love is Theology and History. My books are a reflection of my passions in life, which are God, My Family, a love for history, empowering women, and the education and protection of children. My books, published and unpublished include: "Identifying Ways to Increase Learner Persistence in GED Programs in the U.S."; "The Truth About Angels: Hollywood vs. the Bible"; "The Residue of Slavery"; "Before the King: The Story of Two Mothers"; and "The Drama of Job"