Charles Betterton
CharlesBetterton is co-founder of Ultimate Destinyland™, a strategic marketecture™ that includes the cause-orientedcompany Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc. and two affiliated non-profitorganizations, Ultimate Destiny University and CENTERSPACE (the Center for Spiritual, Personal And CommunityEnlightenment).
As a disaster relief and community economic development specialist, Charles hasbeen developing award-winning programs and model Community Empowerment ResourceCenters for 40 years. He has a Master’s in Community Economic Development andreceived the highest cash award ever paid to an employee of the U.S. Departmentof Housing and Urban Development for a computer system modification heinitiated that saved an estimated 300 million dollars.
Charles is the creator and co-authoralong with Penny Kelly, Howard Pepper, Kimberley Jace and LorieKing of the 14-part, 1,000 plus page Ultimate Destiny Success System. All 14 individual titlesand the complete Ultimate Destiny Success System Library are being offered on aConscious Energy Exchange™ basis tosubscribers of the free UltimateDestiny University ezine.
Through the Pay It Forward Program, Ultimate Destiny Network will donate a copyof any ebook purchased at the retail price to a non-profit organization.Through the Pay What It’s Worth To YouProgram, copies are made available without a set price and the customer isinvited to make a donation after experiencing the contents back to UltimateDestiny University equal to the value the customer receives from it. UltimateDestiny has also developed an Ultimate Fundraising Programthat provides donations of 50% to 100% of any sales (or Conscious EnergyExchange donations) generated through a non-profit organization (NPO) back tothat NPO.
Over the past few years, theorganizations they are co-creating have invested over a hundred thousanddollars acquiring training, hardware and software from some of the world’sleading experts in publishing, electronic publishing, marketing and Internetmarketing. This series of e-books, print books and the webinars, seminars,workshops and multi-media home study courses based on the content are theresult of the guidance and help received from Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen Armand Morin, David Riklan, Rick Frishman, Arielle Ford, TomAntion, Peggy McColl, Randy Gilbert, Steve Harrison, Alex Mandossian,Paul Hartunian, Mike Stewart, Ellen Violette, Tom Bird, literary agencyWaterside Productions and several others featured on the recommended resourcespage at http://www.UltimatePublishingandMarketingResources.com.
Several of these experts are among the first 50 individuals being given the Ultimate Destiny Hall of Fame Award created to honorauthors, trainers and others who are living their ultimate destiny whilehelping others fulfill their own. The award recipients are being interviewedand invited to contribute their insights and answers to a series of questionsabout what we need to do to solve our personal, community and global successpuzzles given the global economic and environmental challenges facing us.
Their input and resources will be included in the forthcoming book, Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Success Puzzles. Thebook sets forth a strategic marketing matrix for establishing an internationalnetwork of local Community Empowerment Training and Resource Centers that willfoster self-help, empowerment and capacity building.
Charles is also author of Empowerment 101, Enlightenment 101, anddozens of other electronic and printed books that will be made available onthis web site. Several of the forthcoming titles are more spiritually based andCharles is publishing them through the non-profit Center for Spiritual,Personal And Community Enlightenment (http://www.centerspace.com).
Those titles include: Setting Spiritually Centered New Years Resolutions;Partnership with God; Rise and Shine with Seven Ascension Attitudes;Motivision: 21 Steps to Manifest Your Ultimate Vision; T.U.L.I.P.S.The Ultimate Life Inpowerment Planning System; Crowned with the UltimateSuccess of the Lord; Godhood, Who Me? Oh My God!; Your Interviewwith God--the Ultimate Entrance Exam; Stewardheirship™--The A.R.T.of Successful Living: Awakening, Realization, Transformation; and A.R.K.of Destiny: Awaken to Your Spiritual Identity; Realize More of Your Potentialand Know How to Co-create Your Ultimate Destiny.