LiNCOLN PARKbegan writing books as a way to privately express her feelings aboutprevalent social issues; especially in regard to urban,African-American, feminine perspectives. However -- with the subjectsand popularity of her titles now crossing over publishing color-lines,LiNCOLN PARK's fecund fables and prolific parables of modern episodesare heralded by a colossal and mounting faction of fervent, mainstreamliterati.
Called a 'gifted writer' by the prestigious, RAWSISTAZ Book Reviewers; as well as a special combination of -- Erma Bombeck's CRACK WIT, Tim Russert's CRACK RESEARCH, Merriam Webster's CRACK DEFINITIONS and a generally, CRACKED MIND-- LiNCOLN PARK's extraordinary literary style is controversial, cultand cutting-edge. As she frequently administers a more severe anddisquieting pen than her contemporary literary counterparts, 4465 PReSShas taken unique initiative and placed the standard seal of PARENTALADVISORY on the front and back covers of all LiNCOLN PARK-penned books.