Theresa Meyers
Always a lover of books and stories, Theresa was a writer, first for newspapers, then for national magazines. She started her first novel in high school, eventually enrolling in a Writers Digest course and putting the book under the bed until she joined Romance Writers of America in 1993. In 2005 she was selected as one of eleven finalists in the nation for the American Title II contest, which is the American Idol of books. She currently lives in Victorian house on a mini farm in the Pacific Northwest with her two young children, three cats, a black and white paint mare, a troublesome mini-aussie shepherd puppy, several rabbits, a dozen chickens and is married to her high school prom date. She writes paranormal romances for Silhouette Nocturne that feature vampires and other creatures, as well as historical romances, Young Adult novels, and steam-punk stories.