Christian Schaal
Whydo we write? For some, writing means asource of revenue or fame. Most however,are filled with words that, once constructed, provide an outlet for a passionand message contained within them. Iwrite for this reason.
Storiesrun through me constantly, most with a message I feel for humanity. In years prior to this book, I have focusedmy writing, at least my writing for public consumption, on plays designed tomove people; to help build them and move them towards their potential. All of these carry a strong message ofencouragement. One of these plays,“Choose You Must”, is currently a novel in the works.
Thisbook too, is about message. If youexperience a level of entertainment, enjoy. However, that is not my intent. Most of the writings placed in this book come from my own livedlife. The balance, are those expressingsome of my deep feelings. All, I hope,will provide you with a sense of message. What message, I cannot define for you. We each have our own perspectives and realities, so what you derive fromthe following pages is yours and yours alone.
Mydesire and intent in life is to be an uplifting man, and a man of uplifting. With this book, I have moved closer to beingsuch a man.