The BookBuzzr Book Widget allows you to share your book sample and other information on Facebook. This is an effective method to promote your book on your Facebook profile without being overtly pushy. Your friends and fans can also share your book on their own Facebook profiles with just a few clicks.
If you are an author and you want to share your BookBuzzr book-widget on Facebook here’s how you do it.
1. Go to and create your widget by uploading information about yourself and your book into the application.
2. Then go to your widget and click on the Share button inside the widget. In this example, we’re getting a widget from author Shelley Stout’s page on You can also find your widget on your Book Marketing Start Page (the page that you see when you first login on after you have created a profile.)
3. Upon clicking the Share button, you will see a variety of buttons to share your book. Click on the “F” button at the top.
4. A Facebook window should open with a message asking you permission to allow an application called Gigya to access your information (assuming that you’ve already signed-in to Facebook; Else you can sign-in at this point.) Click on “Allow”.
5. Your widget should appear inside your Facebook account. Now click on the Profile link inside your Facebook account.
6. Then click on the + icon next to Wall – Info – Photos tabs inside your profile.
7. Then click on “My Stuff”. When you click on “My Stuff”, you will see it becoming a Tab next to your other tabs (such as Wall, Info etc.)
Your friends can see your book when they click on the “My Stuff” tab on your profile. They can also share it on their own Facebook profiles using the same steps mentioned above.