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Doing Da Vinci For Kids

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I've been studying and teaching Leonardo da Vinci for many years.  This book is my attempts to bring da Vinci to students of all ages, but particularly younger ones.  It includes pictures of many of da Vinci's drawings, quotes, Word Searches, activities, and more, all arranged around a variety of topics relating to Leonardo da Vinci's great achievements, including his Horse, his studies of the Human Body, mathematics, and many more.


Doing Da Vinci can be used as a stand-alone book, or in conjunction with the non-fiction look at Da Vinci's life, Da Vinci: His Life and His Legacy.

The Story Behind This Book

I love to teach students of all ages about Leonardo da Vinci. For many years I focused on the history of all the amazing things he had attempted and accomplished. But recently I started focusing more on the activities that students could do in conjunction with those topics. It was exciting fun for all of us, as we saw Leonardo da Vinci and his work from new perspectives.

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