Cow Factor

Children's Books, Humor, Young Adult

By Andy Frazier

Publisher : Chauffour Books

ABOUT Andy Frazier

Andy Frazier
Author of over 40 books, livestock enthusiast, commentator, and broadcaster of Toplines and Tales podcast. Uually found around livestock, somewhere...


Princess, the young cow, has always sought stardom and fame, it is all she ever longs for. So when a chance comes for her to audition for a new talent show, she is determined that she has that Animal Factor! She and her two friends, Golly and Jackson, give some interesting performances which impress some of the judges but when it comes to finals time, not everyone wants her to win…

Having worked in the animal kingdom for much of his life, author Andy Frazier often wondered what it wold be like if animals could talk...and dance! Following the phenominal success of TV talent shows such as X-Factor, Pop Idol etc, it seemed fun that Princess the Cow, and her pals should get a chance to appear in front of a TV audience. This is the third book in the series abou these animals

Emma (aged 10) loved this book, especially the judges and the scruffy dog who becomes their manager.