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Life for Sade Peters is picture perfect. With a fabulous home in upscale Atlanta, Georgia, Sade is living the life most of society only read about in magazines. A successful novelist, Sade is married to the man of her dreams, Andre Peters, an equally successful sports agent. Couple that with a set of fraternal twins, and you have all the makings of the contemporary modern day Huxtables. However, what life looks like from the outside, may not necessarily match the inner workings of this household. The Down Low is a real and earth-shattering truth, and Sade's happiness abruptly ends when she is faced with this reality. Life as Sade knows it changes within the blink of an eye when she soon discovers that both she and her husband are HIV positive. Imagine walking through life in Sade's shoes. Who is to blame when faith and trust is tested tremendously?
Praise and Reviews
Andre and Sade Peters have been happily married for some time now with two beautiful children, Andre and Andrea. Andre was the perfect husband and father and had many good accomplishments in life that evidently were not enough for him. Sade loves Andre with all her heart. In fact, Andre was the one and only man she has been with. One dreadful evening changes Sade and Andre's life dramatically that leaves the reader stunned."Consequences" by Linda R. Herman is one of the most exciting and intriguing novels I've read this year. Linda keeps smacking the reader in the face with one incident after another, creating much suspense throughout the entire novel. Linda engrosses the reader into the world of HIV and AIDS and the severity of this disease among African Americans. I definitely recommend this book to all readers because it is definitely a must read novel!
I enjoyed every page in this novel and will continue to be a faithful reader to Linda R. Herman. Linda creates the most suspenseful and inspiring novels that always grasp my attention. Keep up the good work!
Reviewed by: Tekisha/OOSA Online Book ClubÂ
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