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Getting Started with Social Networking for Artists and Arts Organizations

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You’ve heard all the hype.

Using online social networks like Facebook, Twitter, My Space,Flikr, and YouTube to market your business seems like a great idea.Everyone is talking about it, and the cost is free or low. But where doyou start? How do you know that you are reaching the right audience?Where will you find the time to Twitter? And what the heck is a hashtag??

While its very true that social media is a great way to get in touchwith your current and potential clients, learning the interface and theetiquette can be overwhelming. Furthermore, it’s really easy to getlost in social media, and the return on your investment of time may notbe what you’d hoped.

What you need is a plan.

If you:

  • Are an artist or administrate an Arts Organization
  • Have a small marketing budget
  • Have been considering getting into social networking, or have started, but feel like you need help

Then, this guide is for you!

This 42-page Guide includes:

  • Basic Principles of Marketing:
    • Touchpoints
    • Niche
    • Branding
    • Your Story
  • Social Networking
    • Basic Principles
    • Creating a social networking marketing plan
  • Basics and etiquette:
    • E-Newsletters
    • Blogs
    • Bloggers
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Linkedin
    • Photo Sharing (Flickr, Picassa, etc)
    • You Tube
  • A Glossary
  • A sample social media marketing plan
  • Fill-in-the-blank social marketing plan worksheets

But wait! There’s more!

  • A 30-minute individual consultation with Rebecca via email, phone or Skype
  • Free MP3 audio recording of the guide
  • Free updates

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