GATE 2015 Computer Science & Information Technology
Contents 1. Theory of Computation Finite State Machine, Regular Expressions and Languages, Context Free Languages and Pushdown Automata, Turing Machine, Analysis of Algorithm and Computational Complexity. 2. Digital Logic Number System, Logic Functions and Minimization, Denominational Circuits, Sequential Circuits. 3. Computer Organization and Architecture Overview of Computer Architecture, CPU Organization, Memory Organization, Input Output. 4. Programming C–Fundamentals, Control Statements, Functions and Pointers, Arrays, Structures and Union, OOPs. 5. Data Structures and Algorithms Array and Queue, Tree and Binary Search Tree, Sorting and Searching, Stack and NP complete. 6. Compiler Design Introduction to Compiler, Lexical Analysis, Parsing Techniques, Syntax Directed Translation, Code Generation And Optimization. 7. Operating System Process, IPC and Deadlock, File System, Memory Management, Input Output and Disk Scheduling, Protection and Security. 8. Databases Introduction to DBMS and Relational Model, Normalization, Structured Query Language, File Organization Techniques, Transaction Management. 9. Information Systems and Software Engineering Software Process Models, Software Metrics & Project Estimation, Project Planning and Management, Software Design, Software Testing. 10. Computer Networks Introduction to ISO/OSI Model & Physical Layer, The Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer , Session, Presentation and Application Layer. 11. Web Technology HTML, XML, ASP, .NET, Software Process Models. 12. Engineering Mathematics Mathematical Logic, Probability, Set Theory And Algebra, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Calculus. 13. General Aptitude Verbal Ability, Numerical Ability. Gate Paper 2010.
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