The Legend of Buddy Hero (The Defenders Saga Book 1)

ABOUT Adam Oster

Adam Oster
Father, Husband, and Office Drone by day, Adam spends his nights crafting worlds that abound with action and adventure, and fills them with stories of excitement and wonder. Find out more about Adam and his books for both young and old at



Buddy Jackson is the world's greatest superhero. He just doesn't know it.

He's unemployed, a drunk, and has a tendency to go weeks without showering; yet Buddy Jackson may be the only person capable of saving the world from total destruction.

Once convinced to leave the comfort of his bar stool, Buddy battles tentacled bug-monsters, finds himself on the run from shadowy government officials, and teams up with a super-powered mafia. This adventure leads him to a final confrontation with his past self's arch nemesis, the evil minister who goes by the name of Dominion. He is hell-bent on destroying Buddy and the world which loved him. The last time this superhero and supervillain crossed paths, the entire course of history was forever changed.

Buddy is now left with two options, live up to the legend he supposedly created and once again don the bright-green spandex, or allow the damnation of all mankind.

Cover Image courtesy of Amanda Obenhoffer