James and his Boots


L. J. deVet
L. J. deVet is an emerging author of paranormal and fantasy fiction novels for children and young adults. His first novel, 'ALTOR: The Shadow Rebellion', is the first novel in a new and exciting series; 'The Chronicles of Ageron'. Having been exposed to the elaborate imagination of childr More...



James doesn't always like to play with the other children. Instead, James loves to play with his teddy, while wearing his boots.

But James's boots aren't just boots. And Teddy isn't just a teddy. James's boots and teddy are special.

With Teddy by his side, and their special boots on their feet, James and Teddy become master adventurers, and explore the world in a way they can't without their boots.

On their adventures...
they can be anything they want,
they can do anything they want,
they can go anywhere they want.

James's boots are special.