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Demon in Blue Jeans

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Buy Online:   The Wild Rose Press

In a rash moment, Katy asks Satan to send her a Bad Boy.  What she gets is an underachieving demon withthe sexiest wings this side of Perdition.  Can a mortal and an incubus beat the Devil?

Praise and Reviews

Kate loves bad boys—the only problem is that bad boys only seem to exist in the movies, and Kate hasn’t had a date in weeks. All she wants is to wake up on a Saturday morning snuggled up next to a studly guy. So she jokingly asks Satan to send her his baddest bad boy because she’s definitely ready and willing. When a breathtakingly gorgeous guy rings her doorbell dressed like Robin Hood, she thinks her friends are playing a joke on her. She soon learns her heart’s desire may have been granted after all. Maybe she should have been a little more careful before throwing wishes around.

Poor Zellachrastides, or Zel for short, is just a third-degree incubus who hasn’t been doing so well in seducing the ladies. Kate is his last chance to prove that he can seduce with the best of them and make First Degree Incubi. After all, his brothers did it in only six months—Zel hasn’t in the past ten millennia, and now he only has until tomorrow morning at nine o’clock to get the job done. Could it be that Zel is looking for more than just a one-night seduction?




Sweet, enjoyable, and a little outrageous (in a good way), Demon in Blue Jeans will have you walking back into the office after lunch with a smile on your face. Ms. Sweeney does a good job of developing her characters in the short confines of the story. She brings out their characteristics in a vivid way, and I could picture the interaction between Kate and Zel in blazing color. Along with a good, solid plot, all that makes this one great read.

Because Satan sent a demon to seduce a horny young woman, the plot may seem absurd to some, but as long as it entertains me, I don’t care how preposterous the plot is. Sometimes, you just have to suspend your belief and get carried away with a total fantasy. And Toni V. Sweeney definitely delivers with Demon in Blue Jeans.

With its touch of humor and its sizzling romance, Demon in Blue Jeans is a short, sexy lunchtime romp that I’d recommend any day of the week.

Margaret Marr

"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."

Kate forgot about this age-old warning when she asked Satan to send her a bad boy to fulfill all her darkest desires. The next night Zel, a third level incubus, shows up at her apartment door. But Zel isn't really a bad boy, more like an under-achiever getting his last chance to succeed or else. Can these two people make a relationship work or will Satan get two souls for the price of one wish?

Toni V. Sweeney has written another one of her trademark excellent stories with Demon in Blue Jeans. Ms. Sweeney is known for taking the unusual and making it seem not only possible, but normal. Who else would make a demon sweet, sensitive and inept? I love her hero and heroine because they both seem like people I would know. I also love the way she tells a story; she always sets the scene really well and the details are great. The ending also leaves open the possibility of sequels for Kate's friends and I dearly hope that Ms. Sweeney decides to go with this as a series. Can't wait to read the next one.


A DEMON IN BLUE JEANS provides rollicking fun mixed with heady emotion and enthusiastic sex – a perfect combination! This is a perfect short story to take along to occupy yourself during some unexpected downtime; it’s a quick read, funny, and leaves the reader with happy feelings. I loved the way Toni V. Sweeney imbued the story with the sense of real people and situations to this paranormal tale. I felt as if Kate could have been one of my girlfriends, who just happened to get herself into a sticky situation that turned out wonderfully. Zel was a delightful character with his quirky, unsure ways, but always willing to give it a go. While Kate and Zel’s relationship did not start out in a normal way, they sure had an exciting time together. Sweeney brings an enchanting tale of love and lust so powerful that it spans across the realms of Earth and Hell.

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