ABOUT Caitlyn Carrington

caitlyn carrington
Author of Realm Of Hope/Earth Uprising of the Realm Of Hope Chronicles.Poet/Blogger/Lyricist/Music Reporter/ReviewerSci-Fi/Fantasy genre


It is the year 3020. It has been 10 yrs since the Realm Of Hope was taken over by King Arthur and his Royals. There have been many changes and Lord Merlin's Quest has mostly been fulfilled.
However, there are those out in The Icy Tundra that would rather fight than be taken in as a survivor. Their leader Narrick has formed the Earth Resistance Force. Comprised of Techo Geeks and military mercenaries.
Teaming up with The Candy Man and his degenerates makes quite a resistance to the Realm.

Four visitors are coming to do a state of the Realm observation and the people are ready. There are new faces, old friends, new and old enemies with danger, intrique and magic afoot. 

Can two Wizards, two Enchantresses, and 18 special Kidlings save the Realm Of Hope? What is stronger - Knowledge or Magic?