Not Just For Breakfast Anymore
Not Rated (NR)
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No. of pages
Benny wants a pet—a dog or a cat. You know, the kind of pet everyone else has. But other kids don't have his mom. She likes to do things differently. So Benny doesn't know what to expect when he first opens the pet carrier. Certainly not that his neighbors will want to kick is family out of town—he just got here! And he was just about to make the baseball team, too. What will he do?
The Story Behind This Book
When PV got his pet pig, he decided to litter box train him. He used the only thing he had handy: a disused roasting pan. That didn't go so well.
Praise and Reviews
Not Just For Breakfast Anymore is a classic book for modern kids. Middle grade readers and some older kids as well will find a lot to interest them in Benny’s world. - Suite 101 Book ReviewsJandy's Books says, "PV Lundvist has written a wonderful book."
Don Blankenship, top Amazon reviewer, wrote, "Strong plot, good and believable characters, crisp prose and a story line that moves; what more could you want in a book?"
Literary Sojourn notes that NOT JUST FOR BREAKFAST ANYMORE, "Would be a huge hit among fourth to seventh graders.".
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