Collection of Poems & Inspirational Writings
By Alessandrina Lerner, Amandine Love LernerThere's a land beyond all illusions, where thoughts and words are superfluous and all judgments, prejudices, and concepts shatter. It's a land beyond space and time, one that's nameless, desireless, and selfless. It is perfect, simply because it is. And if you sit still long enough, quiet the mind, and listen to the sound current within, it will take you there. And once you reach onto the shore of Love, it will become the heart of all your thoughts, words, and deeds too.
Alessandrina Lerner invites you through simple yet penetrating poetry to embark onto a journey to discover this strange land that lies within each and everyone of us... Beautifully adorned with illustrations created by the author's daughter, Amandine Love Lerner, who at only 10 years old has already been a featured Artist at the world renown Art-Basel Exhibition, "Spiritual Metamorphosis" epitomizes the apotheosis of Alessandrina Lerner's poetic career. While this collection brings together poems written over the past 20 years, the majority of the work included in this book sprouted in the past year, which has proven extremely prolific and creative for the author. This poetry book covers a vast array of subjects ranging from racism, mind conditioning, and other man-made afflictions all the way to Love, Spirituality, and other Godly themes. This is a book about self-discovery, self-love, forgiveness, and ultimately personal transformation, the real "Spiritual Metamorphosis" kind...
For more information on Alessandrina and Amandine Love Lerner, visit:
The Story Behind This Book
Spiritual Metamorphosis is my newest Collection of poems and inspirational writings. While most of the poems were written over the past year, the collection comprises poems written over the last 20 years. I once more asked my young daughter, Amandine, to collaborate with me on this project and prepare all the illustrations for the book. She read all the poems, we discussed their meaning and then she went on to illustrate each poem in whichever way she felt was most suited. She really channeled the energy and heart I put into my poetry, emphasizing the intensity of the feelings and emotions expressed through my writing.... It was another wonderful experience to share together and I truly hope you enjoy it.