Facebook Addiction: The Life & Times of Social Networking Addicts
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bchrw8HYFIThe Story Behind This Book
Before I begin, I have to admit that I’m a tad bit of a GEEK. Besides spending lots of time at the gym, having extroverted tendencies, and having a natural inclination for anything that makes my heart skip a beat (i.e. skydiving and rock climbing), I’m a bit of NERD that spends hours upon hours (did I say hours?) in front of my laptop. Ok, in these times of Facebook and Twitter, who doesn’t? Well, I majored in Computer Science and wrote programs using Pascal in high school, not to mention Assembly Language in college. I should get TECH “CRED” just for mentioning Pascal/Assembly Language and being in my early thirties. Ok if that does not convince you, I think that the Intel commercial portraying Ajay Bhatt (the co-inventor of Universal Serial Bus or USB) as a Rock Star was brilliant. Read More ... http://www.icecreammelts.com/blogs/facebook-addiction/192-making-fiction-out-of-facebook-addiction