Teaching English to Kinders

Education & Textbooks

By Ana Capurro

Publisher : Ingles360

ABOUT Ana Capurro

Ana Capurro
Hi! My name is Analia Capurro.
I am the designer and owner of Ingles360® and the author of all the educational resources I sell in this website. After 18 years of teaching children I found that the only way our children love learning is if we love learning and teaching, too. Promoti More...



"Teaching English to Kinders- Foundations" is the first of a new serie written for Kindergarten and Pre-school teachers. You will find the foundations to teach English as a foreign language to your little children.

"This was the first time I bought an ebook through internet. I started reading and simply couldnt stop! I am truly inspired and can't wait for the next books of this serie!. You have truly given back to all of us. Thank YOU!" Susana, Mexico

"I am a kindergarten teacher and teach English as a foreign language in Paraguay. This book is incredible. It has provided myself with the foundations as well practical ideas and the inspiration that is
hard to obtain elsewhere. Thank you Ana!"

Marisol, Paraguay