The Story Behind This Book
I began writing River of Tears about fifteen years ago as a way of dealing with some insecurities I was trying to work through. I've always dabbled in creating my own worlds with interesting characters, but I never brought it to the level I did with this book. Though this story is indeed fiction, and the characters are figments of my imagination, there are always some truths behind every book written.
Praise and Reviews
A book that will stay with you long after you finish reading it, December 24, 2009
When you hear of someone being kidnapped, you usually think of children
first. In River of Tears we get to learn about adult kidnappings.
I will warn people ahead of time that this is not a light read. You
will be amazed at how the author can pull you into this book and make
you go through every emotion possible with just words on a page. You
will experience pain, sadness, pity, hate and love throughout this
book. My heart ached with every word that I read. I couldn't believe
what some people could do to family. I had to put this book down
several times just to get my emotions back in control. When an author
can do that to you with simple words on a page, then you know you have
found a great author and book.
This was such a wonderful read for me, that I can say without a
doubt, that this is my favorite fictional read of 2009. This is a book
that touched my heart so deeply, and one that will stay with me for a
long time, that there is no words that can really describe the power of
this book. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a moving
read that you will remember long after you finish reading it.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars
More than I expected, More than I was prepared for., November 22, 2009
When you hear about a kidnapping - the first thing that naturally comes
to ones mind is where, when and how was the child taken, is there a
chance to rescue him/her and you all pray that the child is not
traumatized in anyway possible. But what if the kidnapping is an adult
kidnapping, what if it's done by a family member and what if no one
believes you.
This is where Michele Montgomery pulls me into RIVER OF TEARS. The
book is told in total hindsight and I looking back now, I think that is
the only way I could have handled this book - the stress along would
have made me hyperventilate.
The story revolves around Abby and Caiden - from the moment they
met when they were sixteen the two were inseparably and they had six
years together that saw them learn together, grow together and form
friendships and a family together. The life they lead was the stuff of
dreams, they worked, they played and they loved together, the only fly
in the ointment of these two life was Caiden's family. Not that Abby
didn't try to form a bridge between the families and always extend the
olive branch, but with an inbred sense of violence and total lack of
self they made Abby grit her teeth every time they came around.
However in the interest of fostering a relationship between Caiden
and his family, Abby was willing to put up with a lot from them - she
however had to draw the line at some point, after all she had a family
to look out for. Then Caiden did not come home.
This starts a journey that took Abby and her family along with some
ultimately brothers in arms to the dead of beyond, open them up to a
world they never knew existed, hurt unlike any thing they have ever
known and expose then to a crime that so little is known about that
Abby felt like she was the only one fighting the battle to find her
husband at one point.
This my first emotional read in a long, long time. When Michele
approached me to review this book instantly it called to me. From the
minimalistic look of the cover, to the blurb and just something that
said take a chance on this one - it's time.
I hanged on to this book with my heart in my mouth - it was
everything that I was ready to read. Meeting Caiden and Abby along with
friends and family, I grew to love them, their sprit, their drive and
that naive little quality about them that thought the world would be
kind and good to them if they loved all and played fair.
Abby was clearly the go getter in that family and with a steel to
her spine and a definite moral code, she set the tone of the
relationship, don't get me wrong Caiden was loved and he loved in
returned and all of Abby`s family loved him and he revelled in their
affection. Caiden was from a different upbringing and no matter how he
naively thought the love he was now being exposed to would solve all
the evils of his upbringing - he had another thing coming.
With stranger towns and even stranger tales - Abby, her brother,
her family and an officer and an investigator was was worth their
weight in gold went on a eight year journey - that almost sucked the
life out of her and me if truth be told.
This journey with Caiden and Abby is heartbreaking, it brings to
light a matter that I certainly have never thought about. As an adult
there is freedom of choice, freedom of movement - but when you are
trapped and conditioned to a certain way of life - it is the hardest
thing to get away from. I gripped my mouse as I read this, at one point
I just had to stop and go for a walk, I just could not imagine the
unbelievable events that unfolds over a period of eight years.
Ms. Montgomery reigned it all in and did a magnificent job in
creating the balance between, love, affection and this thrilling hunt
that saw me wanting to do bad bad things to these people.... Hope was
never lost. Abby was the corner stone of that search and she did
everything humanly possible to find the man who was everything to her.
There are unexpected twist and turns in this book that had me thinking
WOW - I didn't see that coming, but it came and it only made the book
more of a powerhouse than it already was.
Bottom line
I am so pleased I jumped in and read this book - right from the
outset I knew it was going to an emotional right, but this was a ride
that I would have regretted not taking. Ms. Montgomery voice is gentle,
it is not forceful and there is a certain firmness to the language that
was the right tone for the type of plot that was revolving around me -
I at no time felt let down by the tone or the flow of this book. I
can't say how much this book surprised the hell out out of me and I
loved it. RIVER OF TEARS is a book that comes full circle and in that
process held me, wrapped me up in a battle of wills, of heartache and
heartbreak but also of hope, gentleness and the will to survive at all
You MUST read this book.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars
Compelling and chilling, November 19, 2009
Compelling and chilling are the first 2 words that come to mind on
first time author Michele Montgomery's "River of Tears." The story
seems like a simple love story of Abby and her soul mate Caiden, as
they meet early in the novel and fall in love. But, that is just the
calm before the storm. Soon the reader learns of his darkly disturbing
family and before long he disappears---without a trace. Could Caiden
have left the love of his life and their children? Or is his
disappearance linked to his family's very troubled history?
Abby is determined to find out and sets out on a journey that will
change her life once and for all. The story is fast paced and leaves
the reader eager to see what will happen to the fairytale romance of
the heroine.
A Recommended Read - Above Average Story, February 22, 2010
Ms. Montgomery uses strong emotions, descriptive passages, faith, and
even man's ability to be cruel to man to grab and hold the reader's
attention in this unusual tale of a man kidnapped by his own family and
the love of his life who relentlessly searches for him. Many paragraphs
brought tears to my eyes and others put a smile on my face. I was
haunted by the despair of loss and then uplifted by the love of family
depicted so believably as I turned the pages.
I normally am not caught up in books written in first person, but
River of Tears by Michele Montgomery definitely held my attention from
the beginning. Not your typical romance by any means, the book is a
unique and emotional love story filled with tension and unexpected
This was an above average story and I recommend it for anyone who wants something a bit different.
Perfect combination of romance and thrilling action, March 11, 2010
Michele L. Montgomery introduces herself beautifully as a first-time
author in her suspenseful romance River of Tears. This modern-day drama
chronicles the relationship of Abby and Caiden, a young couple who
experience love at first sight and eventually marry and begin a life
together. Abby narrates the story and relates a shocking tale of
deceit, betrayal, and what appears to be abandonment. When her husband
suddenly becomes missing and seems to have vanished off the face of the
earth, Abby begins a quest to track him down and get some answers she
desperately needs for herself and her three young children. Caiden's
departure stretches into a period of years, but Abby never gives up.
The journey Abby embarks upon leads her back to Caiden's home
state--Arkansas, and she reluctantly must face head-on the family from
which she'd once before rescued her husband. Will she reach him in
time, or is she already too late?
The book is not a particularly challenging read, written in a
vernacular that is plain and understandable. Montgomery's writer's
voice is very authentic, and her characters are easy to love and easy
to identify with. The text is not without grammatical errors, but the
depth of the story and the genuineness that the author conveys seem to
outweigh any such minor flaws.
Montgomery is a natural story-teller, and she skillfully draws the
reader into her fictional world of suspense and nail-biting drama.
River of Tears will keep you up at night until the last page is turned,
and it is for this reason I proudly award it five stars.
Amber Lehman
rated it:
Read in May, 2010
. . . how do you put into words such a chilling story? Michelel
L.Montegomery’s “River of Tears” is a story that will stick with you
long after you’ve finished the book. I read this book in two days and
had a hard time putting it down. I have never read about a family so
twisted, sickening and hateful as Caiden’s in this story. Michele tells
her story in a very straightforward manner that makes you feel as if
you’re going through the hell that Abby is herself fighting. The pain C...more
. . . how do you put into words such a chilling story? Michele
L. Montgomery’s “River of Tears” is a story that will stick with you
long after you’ve finished the book. I read this book in two days and
had a hard time putting it down. I have never read about a family so
twisted, sickening and hateful as Caiden’s in this story. Michele tells
her story in a very straightforward manner that makes you feel as if
you’re going through the hell that Abby is herself fighting. The pain
Caiden suffers at the hands of his family is utterly inhumane and
sadistic and I’m surprised he survived at all. But his love for his
wife Abby was the one focal point of hope that didn’t allow him to give
up. Abby too, shows her devotion to Caiden by searching for her husband
for 8 long years. This book left me drained just by experiencing the
emotions of sheer inhumanity at the hands of others. This book is a
great read, but it is not a light read, for sure. I applaud Michele for
taking on the subject of adult kidnappings, something that is
overlooked in our society. I also commend her on the content of the
book as I imagine it could not have been easy to write. This gritty
story was well worth the read!