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Heating and Air Conditioning tips for Homeowners

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Your heating and air conditioning unit is the single most expensive system in your home. This book gives troubleshooting procedures, maintenance tips and details, which will extend the life and improve the efficiency of your heating and air conditioning system. It includes all technical terms with illustrations and definitions of heating and cooling systems from oil furnaces to heat pumps. This book also includes a section on domestic refrigerator repairs and contains information on controlling Radon Gases in your home.   Learn the facts.

Get your copy today, Available for immediate download from for only $5.  Paperback copies, Available from Amazon, Lulu and eBay for only $14.95   

Praise and Reviews

books like Heating & Air Conditioning tips for Homeowners by Lloyd Edwards can provide home owners and home buyers with useful information about the equipment that heats and cools homes.

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