SETON and the wolf LOBO
Lobo the wolfwas a legend in the valley of the Currumpaw in northern New Mexico in the1890s. He was the scourge of cattle ranchers preying on their cattle with hispack of five wolves. The ranchers placed a bounty of one thousand dollars foranyone that would kill or carpture Lobo.
Seton anexperienced wolf killer from Canada thought it would be easy money. He came tothe valley and the outcome of the conflict changed the man and the course ofhistory
The story isbased on true events that occured in 1893 in northern New Mexio.
The Story Behind This Book
Lobo the wolf was a legend in the valley of the Currumpaw in northern New Mexico in the 1890s. He was the scourge of cattle ranchers preying on their cattle with his pack of five wolves. The ranchers placed a bounty of one thousand dollars for anyone that would kill or capture Lobo. Seton an experienced wolf killer from Canada thought it would be easy money. He came to the valley and the outcome of the conflict changed the man and the course of history The story is based on true events that occurred in 1893 in northern New Mexico.
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