<center> Readers Comments </center><br /><br />
I have always had a love of history and majored in it in college.
Later, as a Marine, we studied many of the battles in all of our wars,
but especially WW2. The narrative in this book makes this interesting
aspect of the war practically come to life before your eyes. The
battles in Europe have so much drama, which is probably why Hollywood
has made so many movies on the subject. This is a very interesting book
and not only for the history buff. Because this time in history is so
important to our own country, it is imperative that we keep these
memories alive – if only to avoid another world war. <br />
Tim Webster - Marana, AZ<br /><br />
Many people refer to themselves as “Switzerland” when they wish to
remain neutral in an altercation or argument. But how many really know
or understand the world events that found this little country
surrounded by the Axis armies and how they survived World War II and
became the neutral country that we know today? This is a very
interesting novel that takes you right into the midst of what was
happening and how Switzerland’s small army, led by a single general,
dealt with the mass genocide that was all around them. Once the title’s
meaning is explained, it becomes clear that this book couldn’t be
called anything else. I recommend it very highly.<br />
Leigh Webster - Marana, AZ<br /><br />
"Here Be Dragons" is the perfect title for this book. War is never
pleasant, and sometimes requires more of us than we think we can give.
Stories about war can easily turn to the maudlin or turn into an overly
gung-ho shoot-em-up type of tale. This book is a wonderful tale of
Switzerland during World War II. This book will sucker you in and keep
you bound tight to the story from the first page to the last. I highly
recommend it to war, history, and great story buffs alike!<br />
Laura Patrick - Statesboro, NC<br /><br />
I’ll be the first to admit, books about war are not usually my cup of
tea. However a friend introduced me to "Here Be Dragons" and I could
not put it down. I found myself excited when I knew I would have some
time to read more of it. The author describes things wonderfully. I
felt like I was right among them waiting to find out what was going to
happen next. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has a love of
history, or even if you do not you will not be disappointed.<br />
Heather Shockney - Greensboro, PA<br /><br />
Howard Burman has created a story that has changed my outlook on war
stories. Never having been a fan of war stories or history tales in the
past, I decided I’d give this one a chance. I’m glad I did. "Here Be
Dragons" kept me at the edge of my seat, eagerly reading through each
page until, before. I knew it, I’d reached the end. It is a very
exciting, quick read! This book was definitely not the drab war story I
expected. It’s an excellent tale and I would definitely recommend it to
anyone!<br />
Faith Eversole - Richmond, IN<br /><br />
"Here Be Dragons" has a story line that normally doesn’t catch my
interest, but the title alone drew me towards the book. Then as I began
to read, I got caught up in the story and wanted to continue to the
end. The descriptive qualities and conversational style are great! It
is easy to understand what the author has to say throughout the story.
I recommend this book to anyone who thinks a war story is boring,
because “Here Be Dragons” is definitely NOT and will quickly prove
itself as worthy of attention.<br />
Shawnee Bowlin - Atlanta, TX<br /><br />
On the brink of doom when it looks as if only a miracle will save
Switzerland. The struggle begins with only 4 million Swiss soon to be
invaded by 20 million Nazis. This book is so precisely written that it
is nothing short of captivating. Normally, I am not drawn to books of
this type but I was compelled to read it anyways and I am so glad that
I did. <br />
Cheryl Hinneberg - Roseville, MI<br /><br />