Kristy Taylor

Kristy Taylor


Kristy Taylor is a full time health science professor and writer; she is also the founder of Kid Medic.

Kid Medic, L.L.C. is a company that focuses on exposing children to career exploration in the field of health science through engaging books, interactive CD-Rom’s, and activity guides.  Our company believes that children can reach their potential, if they are nurtured and exposed to opportunities and environments that allow them to apply concepts that they have learned.  While our books and activity guides are centered around the field of  health science, our overall goal is to provide an abundance of general resources that teachers and parents can use to provide career exploration opportunities to children.  

A King Under Siege: Book One of The Plantagenet Legacy

A King Under Siege: Book One of The Plantagenet Legacy

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<p>Richard II found himself under siege not once, but twice in his minority. Crowned king at age ten, he was only fourteen when the Peasants' Revolt terrorized London. But he proved himself every bit the Plantagenet successor, facing Wat Tyler and the rebels when all seemed lost. Alas, his triumph was short-lived, and for the next ten years he struggled to assert himself against his uncles and increasingly hostile nobles. Just like in the days of his great-grandfather Edward II, vengeful magnates strove to separate him from his friends and advisors, and even threatened to depose him if he refused to do their bidding. The Lords Appellant, as they came to be known, purged the royal household with the help of the Merciless Parliament. They murdered his closest allies, leaving the King alone and defenseless. He would never forget his humiliation at the hands of his subjects. Richard's inability to protect his adherents would haunt him for the rest of his life, and he vowed that next time, retribution would be his.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I have always been interested in teaching and career exploration in general. One day while having a "What do you want to be when you grow up?" discussion with my group of 4th graders, I was inspired to write a story that would encourage them. After our discussion, it only took me a few days to write my first story. As a result, when I decided to publish the book, I used the students and town as my inspiration! I was so inspired, I decided to keep writing and start Kid Medic as well.
