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Genesis Rejuvenated

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This ground-breaking translation project begins with the oldestcomplete manuscript of the ancient scripture that has survived intomodern times - the Leningrad Codex. provideslaypeople with a unique set of translation tools that they can use toread the Word, word-for-word, along with detailed historicalannotations that they can use to understand the original ideas.

According to a recent Gallup Poll, 32% of Americans believe that theBible is literally true, but, less than 1% of us has actually read averbatim translation, says Bill Jemas, 360ie s CEO. This is not forlack of trying. Americans are voracious Bible readers: nearly 90% ofAmerican households own at least one Bible and the average householdowns four. With annual Bible sales at a staggering 25,000,000 books peryear, the Bible is not only the best selling book of all time, but alsoAmerica s best selling book every year.

We all read whatother people say the Bible says, believing that we are getting averbatim translation, Jemas added, but, once you read the ancientscripture for yourself, you won t believe that any more but, hopefully,you will gain new insights into the Bible.

"I saw a beautifulvision of God, a way to reconcile Creationism and Evolutionism, and ablueprint for how the human race can transform the earth into a placethat's very good for all of us, for our children and for our fellowcreatures.

What will you see?"

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