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101 Let's Have Fun

  Not Rated (NR)
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Are you a Hebrew or a Jewish school educator?

Are you looking for dynamic interactive lessons?

Are you looking for fun ways to reinforce Hebrew andJewish Holiday vocabulary, Torah stories orthe weekly Parasha?

Are you tired of asking the students: “Tell me 2 newthings you’ve learned today”?


If your answer is yes, this is the book for you.

 101 Let’s Have Fun contains an abundance ofactivities for students, which is enriching, enjoyable and engaging. Yourclass will learn in a fun and active environment while your teaching willevolve into a satisfying and inspiring experience.

 In 101 Let’s Have Fun you will find 101 games and activitiesthat will introduce new vocabulary in a unique way, teach or review the Hebrewalphabet, and reinforce the Hebrew and Jewish Holiday vocabularyin dynamic-interactive ways. But more important, this book will make yourstudents feel more comfortable using Hebrew vocabulary, as if they always have.

101 Let’s Have Fun also includes more than 30 ready to be used Hebrewworksheets.

If you area Jewish educator or a Hebrew school teacher this book is for you.

Praise and Reviews

"Getting a copy of this book was the best thing I ever did. Now, I don't have to spend hours on planning activities for my class" (Melisa Ark, 6th grade teacher).

"Just 4 words: I Love this book" (Shara Robin , K-1st teacher)

"Since I got this book, my students speak more Hebrew, and I speak less..." (Josh Levin, JS teacher, 4th grade)

This is just a couple of reviews we've recently received from our best reviewers, teachers like you.

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