
Getting A Glimpse of Life's Lyrics

by Vernell West



Getting A Glimpse of Life's Lyrics

by Vernell West

Published May 08, 2014
110 Pages
Genre: POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Inspirational & Religious


Book Details

Set Your Sights On Something Savory And Sure To Scintillate Your Senses

This book is a smorgasbord of thought-provoking and inspirational tidbits inviting the reader to deeply focus on the good and to reflect it back through daily deeds. It looks at life as a lyrical composition played out in our daily lives through our thoughts, poetry, songs and actions. It is a compilation of who we are, living in a fast-paced world in which our thoughts are not often absorbed, shown or appreciated. This book gives a brief view of what seemingly goes unnoticed, but is in the background of every great human endeavor. It takes you simply to the point with rhythmic, poetic and philosophical narratives. The descriptive view in words is not instructional, but rather inspirational and motivational. No matter the background or culture of the reader, all who read it will find something to hold on to.


Book Excerpt

Success is like stretching out. It must be gradual. It cannot be rushed without doing harm. One must warm up to success. Hit Counter
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About the Author

Vernell West

Vernéll West is an African American who lives with his wife, Wanda in the Pacific Northwest. Married over 30 years, he and his wife have three adult children and two grandchildren. This is Vernéll’s first book. He began writing daily as a hobby when his youngest child left home. His inspiration to write usually comes during daily exercise in his attic where he keeps pen and paper at the ready to capture it when it comes.