Sessha Batto
I'm a homoerotic fiction writer given to epic tales of angsty romance and steamy sex centering on the emotional connection between individuals.
I was born in BelfastNorthern Ireland, moved to Detroit, then New York, now I'm settled inBaltimore (yes, I have spent my life touring the top ten most likelylocations to be shot).
At the ripe old age of 50 I found myselfsuddenly self-employedand I'm still trying to get the hang of it.
I'mleft-handed, white haired, speak enough Japanese to be a passabletourist although not as much as I'd like, and look pretty much like myavatar (if you add a cigarette that is).
I spend at least 3 hours a day with a blade in my hand, and I write at least 10 pages a day - every day!
My first novel 'Strength of Will' is available as an e-book from Gemini78 Publishing.