Shinobi Takahashi Yoshi is on a homoerotic journey through a dark world of sexual abuse, until Sasori Makoto enters his life.
Takahashi Yoshi is a talentedshinobi of Kobayashi shuudan whose powers have been suppressed. Hissense of duty forces him to spend most of his life as a sex slave atthe direction of the shuudan's leaders. When the head of covertoperations, Sasori Makoto, comes to rescue him, sparks fly and the twomen begin a long battle to forge a lifetime partnership with each other.
Thisnovel is ajourney through the dark world of sexual abuse and recovery, ending ina loving, committed relationship. It contains graphic abuse andhomosexual eroticism, and is for adults only.
It is scheduled for release Summer of 2011 from PfoxmoorPublishing
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