David Andrew Crawford
I am David Andrew Crawford and I was born in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada but moved to Ontario when I was a child. I studied psychology at Carleton University and then went in pursuit of a degree in Computer Science at Algonquin College until finally settling on web designing and development as a career choice.
Shortly thereafter, my father passed away and I delved back into one of my passions, reading fantasy novels, to help take my mind off the loss of my father. Several years passed and in a passing conversation with my mother, I was urged to write a story about the character I had made as a child playing Dungeons and Dragons. My novel is the story of Dark Solus, the character I invented for the game. On January 27, 2011 my novel Dark Solus An Assassin’s Tale, the first novel in the Dark Saga Series, was published. My novel has now won 3 awards in the Fantasy genre and in contests held in the United States. In February 2012 I won 2nd place in the Written Art Awards and in August 2012 I won Bronze in the Readers Favorite. I just got notification April 15, 2013 that I won 1st Finalist in the Beverly Hills Book Awards for the Fantasy genre.
I write full time and am working on my second novel in the Dark Saga series. I still live in Canada in the small hamlet of Innisville with my two dogs Ares and Ariel.