Iconsider myself the “average guy” who is on this path of self-discovery.Along the way I decided that I want to make adifference, especially in the areas of health and fitness.It’s all about that journey for all of us andI’m no different.
Asthe son of a career soldier and a Japanese mother, I’ve had the advantage oftraveling the world as a child and living in many different areas.While I don’t have what anyone would consider‘roots” to any one area, I do look at myself as lucky.Learning about different cultures, evenwithin the United States, has expanded my perception.
Fromearly on in my life I was exposed to the healthy side of life as well as theunhealthy side.My father was alife-long smoker and lived his life unhealthy.I remember him saying how much he hated to eat spinach as well as many otherveggies.It was no wonder that hesuffered from many cardiovascular diseases which led to his passing in 1983under the age of 50.
Justas I was lucky in being exposed to many cultures, I was also lucky to see bothsides of health.My Japanese uncle,Keiji, represents what one could be like when living a healthy lifestyle.Even into his late 90s he showedvibrancy.Seeing so many sides of lifeled me to look at my own.I did manageto serve in the Marines and the Los Angeles Police Department.I love action and fitness was part ofrepertoire in both lines of work.
I’vemade my fair share of mistakes.Even inhealth and fitness.Like I said earlier,I’m like the average guy.Yet, I went ona quest to want to learn more, especially in the area of how we think andbelieve.My question became, “What isthat driving factor that leads us to do what we do?”
Iwill never forget my father coming up to me back in high school and saying,“Son, I know you’re into sports and exercising.That will all change by the time you get into your 30’s.You’re not going to do any of that, your lifewill change.”That was his mindsetregarding health and fitness.He stoppedexercising and didn’t really believe in it.At the age of 39 he had his first heart attack.And just under 10 years later he passed awayfrom the complications of a stroke.
Hisattitude about health is much the same I’ve witnessed in many parts of theUnited States.Since the 1970s I’ve seenmany changes to the health of the average person (which is the one area where Iam different).I wanted to answer thequestion I thought about above.So beganmy journey into learning.
Fromgraduate level studies in psychology to courses in personal training, Iabsorbed it all.The practicalapplication of hypnosis I learned at Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana,CA helped quite a bit in knowing how to change the mindset of people.Earlier, as a direct response copywriter, Ilearned how certain words can have an influence.My studies in psychology via the academicroute helped, though it was the study outside of it is where I reallylearned.Traditional universities do notteach methods like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational EmotiveBehavioral Therapy (REBT).So I decidedthat I wanted to learn more, beyond the university walls.
Itook courses in REBT as well as EEG Neurofeedback.I was able to combine all of this with trainingsin fitness as well.I received mycertification in personal training from the National Academy of SportsMedicine.While working on mydissertation I learned about epigenetics and how our lifestyle affects theexpression of our genes.I also studiedextensively in neuroscience and became a member of the Cognitive NeuroscienceSociety.
Icould go on and on about this credential and that credential.It’s not going to do you a bit of good,except I do my homework in what works and what doesn’t work.While I educate my clients and others in howto change their mental state towards fitness, I also live by example.
InJune 2012 I set my all-time best in non-stop pull-ups by doing 57.My best in the Marines was 44 pull-ups.I also did over 1000 push-ups in 30 minutes inJune 2012.In recent years I received my5th degree black-belt in Kenpo Karate and the same in AmericanModern Jujitsu as well as becoming a Senior Instructor in Jeet Kune Do.There’s more in that arena too.
I’ma big believer in moving forward and not resting on past laurels.I will keep challenging myself to perform atmy best as much as possible.I can’ttell you to do the same thing if I am not doing it either.So, keep challenging your mind and body toget and stay healthy and fit and I will do the same.