Guest Expert: Penny C. Sansevieri For many of us, Twitter is a good news/bad news social networking site. The good news is it’s super popular and it seems like everyone is using it. The bad news is that for the newbie Twitter person (and even if you’ve been on this site for a while) it […]
Mid-Week Book Marketing Tips: Easily Market Using Online Tutorials With ScreenCast-O-Matic
Guest Expert: Aggie Villanueva A blog and/or website are an author’s marketing base camp. Every promotion we launch sends followers there. It takes a lot of work and time to maintain them well, and constantly emerging site technologies create visitors who expect the glitz and interaction of whatever is the latest and greatest. And honestly […]
Book Marketing Mondays: How to Identify A Writer’s Target Audience
Guest Expert: C. Patrick Schulze Listen to a PODCAST of this article. In my last article for BOOKBUZZR, I brought two fundaments of book marketing to light. The first is, like any consumer product, marketing is the key to book or novel sales. The other? Lower quality writers will sell more if they have better […]
TGIF Book Marketing Tips: Book Authors Need a Dedicated Website for Their Books
Guest Expert: Phyllis Zimbler Miller Thanks to the online marketing opportunities made available by the Internet, authors with little or no marketing budgets can level the playing field with authors who have huge marketing budgets. Yet before authors can truly take advantage of online marketing opportunities, these authors need a home base that they can […]
How to Market Your Book By Sharing Your BookBuzzr Book Widget on Facebook
The BookBuzzr Book Widget allows you to share your book sample and other information on Facebook. This is an effective method to promote your book on your Facebook profile without being overtly pushy. Your friends and fans can also share your book on their own Facebook profiles with just a few clicks. If you are […]
Mid-Week Book Marketing Tips: Marketing Your Book is In Your Hands – 2
Marketing Your Book is In Your Hands (Part 2) Guest Expert: Flora Morris Brown Ph.D. Marketing your book is in your hands and begins as soon as you decide to write it. This feels awkward, even scary to most authors since you are not finished writing the book at this stage. But since marketing a […]
BookBuzzr Interviews Charles Weinblatt – Author of ‘Jacob’s Courage: A Holocaust Love Story’
Charles S. Weinblatt was born in Toledo, Ohio in 1952. He is a retired University of Toledo administrator. Weinblatt is the author of “Jacob’s Courage” and “Job Seeking Skills for Students.” His biography appears in the Marquis Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in American Education. Weinblatt was a frequent Toledo television news guest. […]
TGIF Book Marketing Tips: Recommended Reading, Listening and Help for Writers – Part 2
From The Frugal Editor Guest Expert: Carolyn Howard-Johnson Last month in Recommended Reading, Listening and Help for Writers – Part 1 we discussed some of the people and sources for Editing, Grammar and Style, Websites, Craft and Custom Dictionaries. This week Carolyn has some more sources and people to share with you. Promotion 1001 Ways to […]
Mid-Week Book Marketing Tips: Marketing Your Book is In Your Hands – 1
Marketing Your Book is In Your Hands (Part 1) Guest Expert: Flora Morris Brown Ph.D. New authors are usually surprised to learn that they must market their own books if they want to sell them, that is. For this reason, I ask my new clients if they want their story “told” or “sold.” An author […]
Book Marketing Mondays: Minimize Time Maximize Online Presence
Guest Expert: Jo-Anne Vandermeulen I have only so much time and want to connect with the most people possible. Now is not the time to stress; but to know, you can *conquer all obstacles* by following the Solution to Maintain Online Social Media Presence. *Build Relationships* – create maximum presence by focusing on the 3 […]
TGIF Book Marketing Tips: The Real Secret to Twitter
Guest Expert: Penny C. Sansevieri If you’ve ever been impressed by the number of followers someone has on Twitter, I have a newsflash for you: it doesn’t matter. The thing is, you can buy followers (no, I’m not kidding) sort of like buying mailing lists. How effective is buying followers? Well, let me ask you: […]