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Husband-ry 101, How to Train Your Husband to Be the Spouse You've Always Wanted Him to Be

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Wives everywhere will love the secret tips and anecdotes divulged from a man (husband) for helping wives grapple with their daily marital challenges:  Once the honeymoon is over, how do you connect with, and enjoy, that beast you married? As women's roles have evolved, men have had to adjust as well.

Husband-ry 101 is a great gift for newlyweds and couples wanting to keep their marriage as fun as the day they became engaged.

Praise and Reviews

Perfect For Christian Spouses Looking For Help With The "Spark", November 3, 2008
By Daniel Hall "" (Corpus Christi, TX USA)
My wife saw me reading Husband-ry 101 and wanted to know what I was learning (in a joking way). I told her that I was learning a lot about "keeping the spark alive" in marriage from a regular man (not a psychologist or couch counselor). The premise of Mike's book is that much of the success (or failure) in a marriage is due to communication between the spouses.

This book is great for Christian couples and perfect for church newlywed classes. Good thing too, I understand you can customize Mike's book (possible with this publisher) to make his book more personalized with your church name and scriptures inside...a big hit in marriage classes.

Daniel Hall
Author, Speak On Cruise Ships: 8 Easy Steps to a Lifetime of FREE Luxury Cruises


Marybeth Baribeau (West Chester, Ohio)
Husbandry - 101 was an excellent book for women and men alike. I couldn't put it down. My husband enjoyed it almost as much as I did. Michael McCann captures topics that people laugh about, cry about and agonize over. My friends and I have not stopped talking about it for over two weeks! We have added it to our book review club. Mr. McCann cannot write the sequel fast enough for me!

E. Galamb
  I needed to read this book before my wife got her hands on it. The purpose was to strike out the prose that would provide the wrong message. Ladies, you can believe 99.44% of the book. Men are predictable, women are not. For this reason, the book provides amazing insight into what makes men tick. Since men are not identical, there will be one or two things that your husband will not agree with Mr. McCann. My wife knows that if I have been out of town for a few days, the last place I want to go is to a restaurant to talk. I need some home cooking. Read and study the book and you will have the husband you always wanted. I can't wait for Husband-ry 102.
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