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The "G" Spot, the ecstasy of life through Gratitude

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Buy Online:   Amazon.comSelf Investment Publishing

 TESTIMONIAL: "What a wonderful intimate journey
into my own understanding and knowingness." 
~ Brenda Clark, Phoenix, AZ ~

Introduction (excerpt):

Not your typical book about gratitude. This book is for the cynic, the hopeless, the happy and the already grateful. I have been each of these.

When I started this book it was at a time when I had lost my passion for life. Several events in my life had left me feeling gutted. I could express gratitude to a person for a kindness, I could express gratitude for certain events that showed up; however, deep inside, I did not feel grateful to be alive another day.  I was functioning, and some people had no clue of the turmoil inside. I sought answers. I wanted stories of how genuine gratitude fuels a passion for life.

I sought out selected people to explain genuine gratitude. I was amazed in both sides of the equation. Some people simply sent me a list of quotes they found on the internet. That was the extent of their ability to explain Gratitude. Others gave me their gratitude lists, but still couldn’t explain the passion. Some gave me platitudes. For someone experiencing difficulties in life, platitudes were not fuel enough. I continued my search.

I questioned hundreds of people, even strangers, about their genuine feelings of Gratitude and what was the difference between writing a laundry list and feeling the depth of passion of genuine gratitude. It was an eye opening experience for each of us in a different way.

Some people even admitted to faking gratitude.

The message in this book invites you on a self discovery journey sometimes through other perspectives and opinions. It some areas it pushes the envelope. Isn't that how we learn? When we venture outside our comfort zone we learn the most about ourselves and our lives.  Question this books message as you question your current opinions and premature cognitive commitments.

"This is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way." ~ Doris Lessing ~

For those that questioned their opinions, I witnessed one of two things, either they were unsure of their commitment or they were even more deeply assured of their commitment. (Cont. in book)

(chapter excerpt) In a 1998 Gallup poll, 54% of Americans said they express gratitude to God, and 67% said they express gratitude to other people "all the time."

Who is right?

All of them.  

Each person is entitled to their own opinion, perception and choice of expression.

I believe that it’s not what happens to or for you that makes you grateful; it’s how you respond to what is happening that shows your genuine belief about gratitude. 

What was repeated throughout my research was that passionately genuine gratitude is only possible when you understand your own motivations and what is important to you. Having the choice on how to express your gratitude is powerful.  The choice to make your own decisions on what and why you feel gratitude – or ....(Cont in book)


MOM (chapter excerpt)

“You can tell a person,
not by what they say they are gratitude for,
but how they respect what they claim to be grateful for.”
~ My Mom, Mrs. Donna Priscott~
Original Quote
Contributed by Veronica Davina

My mother was of my greatest examples on how to live life with honesty and integrity. This quote was one of her favorite sayings. Long after her passing, I remember every time she said it to me. She wanted me to learn that people don’t just see what I say, they learn who I am by how my actions match my words. If I expressed gratitude for something then I needed to show respect for it and protect it just as I would anything else that was important to me. My parents were married for over 50 years. My Mom said a gratitude prayer every day for her marriage and relationship with my Dad. Every day she worked to make sure he knew how much she meant that. She never looked at another man and she always made sure our home was a happy place for Dad to come home to after a long day at work. She was grateful for her two kids, and she spent time teaching us how to be our best, learn our best and present our best.

When I gained over 60 pounds excess weight in college, and the doctors prescribed medicine for high blood pressure, she didn’t ask me why. She asked me if I was grateful for my healthy body. And if I was, then why was I carrying the extra weight that was having a negative effect on my health?  When my bother experimented with drugs in High School ...(Con't in book...)

TESTIMONIAL: "Congruency of gratitude and actions --
 the section with 'Mom's' words were an eye opener."
~ Janis Murphy,  Lexington, MO ~

Praise and Reviews

From, review by Shana Time: "I do not recall the last time I read a book on Gratitude that stimulated me to think about my opinions and behaviors. I especially liked the section about the integrity of my words of gratitude. I too have said for years that I am grateful for my health but at the same time I am doing some things that undermine my health. I am overweight, and I don’t exercise, and sometimes I drink too much alcohol. I do have physical ailments that my doctor correlates to my unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyle.
So when reading this chapter I had to be honest with myself if I was really grateful for my health, or grateful that my unhealthy habits weren't making my health any worse than it is. I’m not ready to change my eating and no exercise habits, but I am ready to be honest with myself."

Review on Scribd by Archies Gal: "I am impressed with the depth of intimacy shared by the writers in this book. I bought the book because I was intrigued by the title, and the suggestion of ecstasy of life as related to gratitude. I have believed myself to be grateful for most of my life. In reading some of the stories and quietly taking the time to be introspective, I can see where I missed out on some of the true essence of my own feelings. This book is timely for me and I look forward to sharing it with my friends and family. They deserve ecstasy of life as well. My gratitude to all the authors of this book."
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