10th & Penn


CS Miller
CS Miller is a former Washington, DC reporter. During his career, he covered the US Department of Justice, FBI and the Supreme Court. Miller, a native of Ohio, grew up in Texas. He lived for a lengthy period of time in the Washington area. He now writes fulltime in San Miguel de Allende, More...



The Attorney General of the United States has been assassinated.

A turf battle between the FBI and the DC Metropolitan Police ensues as to which agency would lead the investigation into the murder. Ultimately, the decision is made that the police would take the lead since the assassination took place on a Washington, DC, street.

The officer assigned to lead the investigation is a former FBI agent, who left the Bureau under questionable circumstances. While Larry Rivers attempts to find out who was behind the murder of the attorney general and members of his FBI protective detail, there is an effort to undermine the investigation from the highest ranks within the Bureau.

In Washington, more often than not, politics can overrule logic.