Criminal Enterprise: Black Water Murder (The Hunters)

ABOUT Glenn Trust

Glenn Trust
A native of the south, I was born in Columbus, Georgia in 1951, the first of five children. My father’s work as a salesman filled my early years with moves from the banks of the Chattahoochee River in Georgia to Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Petersburg, Virginia and Baltimore, until finall More...



Hidden away in the backwater swamps of southern Georgia a criminal enterprise is spreading its tentacles, leaving blood, bodies and pain in its path. An alliance with a Caribbean cartel gives the southern mobsters the international reach they require for expansion and export of their terrible merchandise. Nothing will stand in their path, except The Hunters.

Teamed together as part of the governor's Office of Special Investigations,George Mackey, Sharon Price and Andy Barnes go undercover to break up the crime syndicate. Supported by pilot Johnny Rincefield and rookie sheriff, Jake Beery, the hunt takes them to the black water of the Okefenokee Swamp and a deadly confrontation with an unlikely suspect.