Stormy Thursday: Based On A True Story

Young Adult, Romance, General Fiction

By AnnMarie Stone

Publisher : AnnMarie Stone

Stormy Thursday: Based On A True Story

ABOUT AnnMarie Stone

AnnMarie Stone
I was born and raised in Arizona and currently live in Phoenix. The heat can be difficult during the summer, but I try my best to spend most of my time during the hottest months indoors writing. I would love to travel someday and I hope that my writing will take me many places and hopefull More...


Based on a true story, Stormy Thursday is a tragic teen novel.

Nicole is a sophomore in High School as she begins to have feelings for her best friend Sherry's cousin, growing into something more than friendship. Odie is always kind and sweet to Nicole, but she has no idea if he feels the same for her. Unfortunately, tragedy keeps her from ever finding out.

Nicole tells her story as she learns about what love, loss, grief and despair are all about.