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Black Women: Interracial & Intercultural Marriage Book 1—First and Foremost

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Penetrating essays and  riveting comments from the 2007 AssociatedPress highlighted website: as black women,white men, and others from the global village discuss the factors and nuancesin the current social environment that are causing the surge in the interracialand intercultural marriages between African American women and men of otherraces and cultures.


Internet personality and author, Eve Sharon "Evia"Moore urges African American women to make marriage to a “Quality” man a highpriority, especially if there are to be children. She stresses that: “AfricanAmerican women must take advantage of their many possibilities for love,marriage, and a life of abundance outside the scope of their immediateenvironment. If they did so, they would find many interested, marriageable menfrom a wide variety of races and ethnic groups who appreciate black women.Exploring variety in all areas of life increases the likelihood of living well.”


See why approximately 950,000 readers have viewed more than2,000,000 pages of Evia's commonsense, motivational writings and hundreds ofphotos of black women and their mates from all parts of the global village,ranging from the rich and famous to ordinary interracial and interculturalcouples. Find out why readers flock to Evia’s site often, and return eagerly tosee and read more.

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