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Designing Your Destiny: Achieving Personal and Professional Success though Upisde Thinking

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Designing Your Destiny: Achieving Personal and Professional Success through Upside Thinking is a powerful, easy-to-use guidebook created to help people from all walks of life jump off the proverbial “hamster-wheel,” take control of their destinies, and create

more happiness, success, and meaning for themselves

and those around them.


In Just 5 Minutes Everyday:


v  Discover Your Own Possibilities

v  Create a Map to Reach Your Destination

v  Integrate Upside Thinking Principles and Strategies that Will Attract More Health, Happiness, Success, and Meaning into Your Life


You’ll Learn How To:


v  Build Stronger Personal and Professional Relationships

v  Achieve Work/Life Balance 

v  Create the Extraordinary Life You’ve Always Wanted!


Believing that everything rises and falls with leadership, Lisa Marie has masterfully shared her own leadership journey, highlighting twelve of the most important lessons she has learned from beloved mentors, her years in federal law enforcement, some of her favorite quotes, her own entrepreneurial venture, and the personal experiences that have touched her the most.  By formatting it as a guidebook, she has also provided the reader with ample opportunity to answer what she believes to be the most important questions of life:


v  Who are you?

v  What do you want?

v  And why does it matter?          


These questions are designed to guide the reader through the process of assessing their present level of excellence, discovering their own possibilities, creating a map to reach their destination, and integrating the upside thinking principles and strategies that guarantee more happiness, success, and meaning. 


Readers are raving that this book does far more than help people improve their work environment and bottom line; it gives them some of the most important tools they need to change their life and enjoy their extraordinary journey.  It makes them believe that life can and should be lived with passion and purpose, and that they truly do have the power to design their destiny and fill it with everything they’ve always wanted! 

Praise and Reviews

Designing Your Destiny challenged the way I went about my life.

Lisa Marie has packed the pages full of ideas for how to develop your leadership potential, balance the responsibilities of work and home, and achieve excellence in both your professional and personal life.  You will not be able to put the book down until you have experienced all of its life-changing treasures.  I am committed to using this book to direct my life.”


Kerry Neal, Director of Development, University of California Irvine



“I love the way Lisa uses her real life experience to demonstrate her Upside Thinking principles.

It makes it easy to understand the principles and then apply them to your life,

no matter what phase you find yourself in.”


Hazel Palache, Founder & Owner of Mastery Mind Coaching,

Author of “The Astonishing Power of You”



“As the saying goes, ‘We are our own worst critics.’ I found that Lisa Marie Platske's book helped me to break that curse. Designing Your Destiny allowed me to be my own biggest fan!


Lisa's book provided me with the structure I desired to sit down daily and focus on my goals, desires, talents, and destiny. Through the process, I adopted hope and the power to design instead of defeat, encouragement instead of criticism, and creativity instead of stagnation. I was empowered to create with intention and found my thoughts more on the upside! Thank YOU, Lisa!”


Jennifer Salazar, President, Media Expose Productions, LLC



Everyone needs this book! No matter where we are in our careers and personal lives, we can always be better, and this book will show you how to raise the bar on your personal success to even greater heights. My own mind is racing about how I can better myself and my business.


Wonderful, informative, intriguing, and packed with personal stories that make it easy and enjoyable to read, this book will literally change your life. With the help of the action item questions at the end of each entry, you will find it incredibly simple to assess

where you are in your own life and map the rest of your journey.


I have seen Lisa Marie move audiences and change lives from the stage, and I believe that she has done the same through this book. Incorporating these principles that she has integrated into her own business will make you more successful than you could ever imagine!


Robbie Motter, CEO of Contacts Unlimited, NAFE Western & Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator

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