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The Brainstormer. Think, Imagine, Create

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WHAT'S IN A GIRL'S HEAD THESE DAYS? IDEAS, IDEAS, IDEAS. Everyone has them but only a few people make the right choices to act on them. Like Oprah Winfrey, Estee Lauder, Madam C. Walker, J.K. Rowling or Coco Chanel. You or a girl you know (your daughter, niece, the little girl at church) could join this elite group.

The Brainstormer. Think, Imagine Create will teach you or that special little girl, how to take a seemingly ordinary idea and turn it into a successful commodity. The book outlines more than 120 ideas in 15 different categories to inspire and assist you, as you come up with the next big thing.

The Story Behind This Book

I can count with one hand, the few things that give me the same adrenaline rush like the one I experience whenever I come up with a new idea. Ever since I was a little girl, I remember spending countless hours daydreaming and imagining new games and toys. On Christmas I would play with my own toys for a while, then a couple days later, I would get bored with the toys “as they were” and would imagine them becoming something else. A tea set tray, for instance, was no longer a tea set tray, it became a truck or a skating rink or a wall, depending on what the game was, at the time. The rooms in our house represented different towns and cities. The garage, the yard, the garden, and the porch also became different states and cities. The floors and walls were streets, avenues and boulevards. I even went as far as to imagine that whenever someone flushed the toilet it led to an entirely different country. There is nothing strange about a little girl who has a vivid imagination; it’s actually a sign of a healthy childhood; but enjoying things “as is” for a while, then turning them into something else in my imagination, has become a way of life for me. Perhaps you could say it keeps me young at heart. But I have left the floors, and toys (and toilets) aside though. Now it has expanded into movies, food, computers, clothes, make up, buildings and just about everything in between...

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