Gemini's Blood
Jack Scanlon, at the threshold of his sixtieth year, findshimself in an uncomfortable recliner in the corridor of Day Surgery at a localhospital, hooked up to an IV tube. He is receiving three units of blood, a process that will take thebetter part of eight hours. He hasall but convinced himself that he is a terminal case, a victim of coloncancer. If a drowning man iscapable of witnessing the sum of his entire life before his eyes at the instantbefore he goes under for the last time, Jack Scanlon has the luxury ofwitnessing his at his leisure, and in chronological order. His meditations focus largely on hisearly childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood, which covers roughly theyears 1944 through 1961, with a few brief detours into more recent history, ahistory that involves the deaths of his younger half-brother Keith, and hismother, as well as a short description of his own recent medical struggles.
The Story Behind This Book
Sequel (of sorts) to my debut novel Gemini. Took me over two years to complete.
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