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The Sand Bluff Murders

  Restricted (R)
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Sand Bluff, California is a sleepy little town where nothing happens. Most excitment this town ever saw was "that time back in sixty-two whenever that Elvis tour had to stop to fix a flat".

Jonas McCleary is banking on that as he joins the police force. All he wants is a quiet easy job and a chance maybe to look for Miss Right. After all, Jonas is hitting thirty and it's time to start thinking about picket fences.

But his third day on the force, Jonas is hit with the big one: Homicide. And before he can get his head around this, sexpot Twyla Peters, the town's resident hussy, is found brutally murdered as well.

Poor Jonas is going to have his hands full if he ever hopes to catch a killer and find Miss Right...if...just if, he can manage to stay alive long enough to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

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