Goodbye Natalie Goodbye Splendour
Goodbye Natalie Goodbye Splendour is the poignant story of a young, cavalier adventurer, Dennis Davern, who landed the position of Splendour Captain and how the famous couple Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner welcomed him into their hearts and home. Natalie Wood's death in 1981 sent shock waves throughout the world and has remained an enduring mystery. Dennis reached out to me (Marti Rulli), his friend and confidant, and my mission to substantiate Dennis's compelling account about what really happened the night Natalie Wood died led me on a personal quest for truth that spanned decades. Many of the lingering questions are solved in this journal of an independent investigation that puts the professional investigation to shame. Davern's polygraph test results are included. Goal is to have Natalie Wood case reopened.
Book Trailer
www.martirulli.blogspot.comThe Story Behind This Book
The truth behind the mysterious death of legendary actress Natalie Wood, with a polygraph test (passed) included from the Captain of the Wagner yacht who was on board and witnessed the circumstances surrounding Natalie Wood's death.